Tuesday, November 9, 2010

First post (hopefully not the last :-)

I've been meaning to start a blog for ages! Finally, I have somewhat, put one together :) One small step, right? So here we go....

Little miss Lindsay.
( click on any of the images to view a larger version)

I have been photographing this little one, literally, since she came into the world. And I have to say, it seems to have only become more difficult! She's never been one to give the camera too much attention, but when she learned to walk, I lost my battle. The sessions usually consist of me chasing, tripping, falling, panting, after her short little legs. For the life of me, I don't know how she covers ground the way she does! 

This last session was scheduled to get some shots for her upcoming birthday invites! Even though this time was no different than any other, and I ended up with pit stains...I have to say, I'm pretty happy with the photos. Though who wouldn't be? I mean look at that cute little mug!

I look forward to MANY more birthdays and MANY more photos with this little one! I could go for a little less sweating, but if it's absolutely necessary, I'll do what I have to do :)

Be Well,

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